The Democrats create New Math to explain their Economic Science

The language of science is math. Math is the immutable language of reality and truth, and therein lies its beauty. Physics, the most basic science, is written in the language of math and the other scientific disciplines are emergent frameworks based on the underlying physics of nature. You can think of math as the binary code in your laptop, physics as the operating system and biology, chemistry, geology as apps. Economics is also written in the language of math, and though more abstract than the hard sciences, it is a higher level emergent science and depends on the frameworks of the other applied sciences and the immutable properties of math.

Biden and most Democrats have redefined science as a popular belief that ignores math. “let’s look at the science” is the common statement from these politicians, many of whom do not understand or know what science is. They believe it is based on public opinion and common sense. The most obvious clue to the fact that few of these leaders understand science, and even fewer the underlying math, is their desire to tax our way out of debt.  This cannot be defended by any known math. To pay off your debt you have to have some money left from your income after you pay off all your bills. In an economy income is created by capital investment. If you want to generate income selling pizzas you have to invest in a store. The investment if successful will begin to generate wealth. If you can generate wealth faster than you spend it on costs and taxes you can invest in another pizza shop, and the cycle repeats. Capital creates wealth. If costs or taxes are too high you will never be able to generate enough capital to open another store. You will stagnate of decline. If you borrowed money to open your first store you will not be able to pay if off.

Small businesses are now being hit with a double whammy from Biden. Higher minimum wages and higher taxes. This means less available capital and less investment in any math new or old that you use. The rate of growth in the economy is opposite to that of the rate of taxation. Of course some tax is necessary, but at a low enough level new capital will be generated at a rate such that the tax base actually increases. The Democrats are missing one critical point. Investment is from free cash available after expenses and taxes, and this lies mostly in high income sectors – the sectors they wish to tax the most. A tax on capital gains is no different than fining people for making successful investments.  This discourages new investments and job growth and eventually results in a lower tax base overall. The math is immutable. Opinions about fairness and wealth distribution are not science and not based in any math that shows it can lead to the desired outcome. Examples abound, just look a Russia with an economy smaller than that of Texas and the failure of Venezuaela with some of the greatest natural wealth in the world lying under their feet. (more…)

2021-01-29T18:53:32+00:00January 29th, 2021|Biden, Economics, Politics|

Biden’s Keystone Climate Screw Up a Boon for Russia

Biden Expected to Cancel Keystone XL PipelineBiden shut down the keystone pipeline to save the environment because we need to stop using oil. Most people agree with the last part,  we need to stop using oil, but didn’t anyone tell Biden that the oil is being transported by trucks and ships and trains to dirty refineries, and the Canadians are not going stop just because we don’t build a pipe that would transport it without polluting to cleaner refineries. According to Alberta Premier Kenny “This is a gut punch for the Canadian and Alberta economies. Sadly, it is an insult directed at the United States’ most important ally and trading partner on day one of a new administration.”

The Russians have been trying to stop the pipeline for years to protect their oil prices. Use of oil depends on demand, not on the supply. Clean refined oil from the pipeline will be replaced by dirty oil somewhere else.  This is basic economic science. We need to stop the demand, not the supply! Didn’t anyone learn anything from the war on drugs?  It is always the demand that counts.

The Canadians are not going to stop shipping the oil because we don’t build a pipeline. We need to enact executive orders to stop using oil. this is the worst kind of pathological science. We have years of basic economics telling us we need to shut the demand off to make a difference. Shutting down the pipeline makes it worse. It kills jobs in the northern states, and raises prices so more countries start producing more oil. no one is willing to even question it because they will be ostracized. Even though only 36% of Americans approve of this decision according to a Rasmussan pole, opposing viewpoints and dissenting views are no longer allowed so now we make bad decisions that hurt the environment and opposed by most Americans.

2021-01-28T22:53:06+00:00January 26th, 2021|Biden, Climate Change|

Biden destroys girls’ sports programs

Biden signs order repealing transgender military banJust when I thought Biden could not do anything stupider then when he decided 100 divided by 100 was much greater than 1 divided by 1 about the rate of vaccinations against COVID I did some reading on his executive order titled “Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation”.  This sounds like  a woke feel good initiative, after all protecting transgender rights is good. Actually it is the worst strike against women’s rights since before suffrage.

One of the fastest women in history, Allyson Felix holds the record in the women’s 400 meter and has several olympic medals and a model athlete for girl’s sports. She is really fast, but over 300 men have broken her record. Not only did they break her record, they did it while they were still in high school!  Well, they were not transgender, so you may think it is not a threat to women’s sports. After all not many high school boys change their gender. This, however, is where the insidiousness of wokeness comes in. It is an Presidential order, meaning it is a Federal statute and the Federal government allows anyone to self-identify as any gender or race they choose. Another gift from the woke Democrats.  So any high school boy just by saying he believes he is transgender can compete in any girls sport. Doesn’t the President have any advisors? This is brainless. He could easily have put some limitations on the friggin order. He is dangerous stupid making dictates without any real thought, science or basis.

This is the most significant blow to sports equality ever. I am sure in several years we will have forced education about the evils of male sports supremacy and why they need to teach men that  scientifically they are not really faster sprinters it is just the subversive right wing propaganda that makes them run faster.

2021-01-29T18:55:27+00:00January 26th, 2021|Biden, Out of Touch with Reality|

Methane levels in the atmosphere are now rising at their fastest pace in decades – Vox

When scientists talk about the greenhouse gases that are causing global warming, they typically focus on far and away the most important one, carbon dioxide — which is emitted when humans burn fossil fuels or clear forests.  The world is actually making slow progress on CO2 — there’s been no growth in annual CO2 emissions for the past three years, thanks to a slowdown in coal burning in China.

Source: Methane levels in the atmosphere are now rising at their fastest pace in decades – Vox

2016-12-12T16:13:28+00:00December 12th, 2016|Climate Change|

Health Canada targets homeopathy – NEWS 1130

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – New rules from Health Canada are targeting homeopathy. Homeopathic products can no longer claim to help kids 12 and under without having scientific proof.Michael Kruse is with the group Bad Science Watch. He says there is no evidence that homeopathy works and apparently Health Canada agrees. “They admit that there is no scientific evidence that they are effective and, therefore, we think that it’s appropriate that they prevent homeopathic manufacturers from putting claims of treatment for cough, cold and flu medications.”

Source: Health Canada targets homeopathy – NEWS 1130

2016-02-25T13:29:11+00:00February 25th, 2016|Homeopathy|

Homeopathy Is A “Therapeutic Dead-End” Says British Scientist | Popular Science

Homeopathy, the form of alternative medicine in which proponents claim that small doses of natural substances can cure patient’s ailments, has come under fire recently—Australia deemed the practice “useless” in 2014, and last year the FDA considered cracking down on unregulated treatments sold over the counter.  Now homeopathy has received another blow: Paul Glasziou, a professor of evidence-based medicine at Bond University in the United Kingdom, called homeopathy a “therapeutic dead-end,” according to a blog post published on the website of the British Medical Journal last week and covered by The Independent.

Source: Homeopathy Is A “Therapeutic Dead-End” Says British Scientist | Popular Science

2016-02-25T13:27:06+00:00February 25th, 2016|Homeopathy|

Bill would allow teachers to promote creationism

A Mississippi lawmaker wants to strengthen a public school teacher’s ability to express beliefs that challenge climate change and evolution, among other subjects.  Rep. Mark Formby, R-Picayune, said a constituent told him a teacher had been questioned after bringing up the theory of creationism, or the religious belief that the universe originated from acts of divine creation.

Source: Bill would allow teachers to promote creationism

2016-02-11T16:46:46+00:00February 11th, 2016|Evolution, Out of Touch with Reality|

Guns: Bad Journalism and Bad Politics 

Are we in the grip of an epidemic of gun violence? Writing in Reason magazine, Brian Doherty notes that the gun homicide rate in 1993 (when there were approximately 192 million guns in circulation) was 7 per 100,000 Americans. In 2013, the gun murder rate had declined to 3.8 per 100,000, by which time there were approximately 300 million guns in private hands. More guns do not seem to equal more gun murders.

If we’re not awash in gun violence, we are certainly in the grip of bad journalism about gun violence. As a 2015 survey published in Preventive Medicine magazine showed, only a tiny percentage of criminals purchase their guns from shops. Most obtain them through informal networks or gangs. Is the “gun show loophole” responsible for lots of guns in the hands of bad actors? Doubtful. A 2001 survey of federal prisoners found that only 1 percent had purchased their weapons at gun shows, and as Charles C.W. Cooke has patiently explained, the “gun show loophole” is a misnomer in any case. FFLs (federal firearms licensed sellers) must perform background checks no matter where they transact business, and private sellers are under no obligation to perform checks whether they sell from their kitchen or at a gun show.

Source: Guns: Bad Journalism and Bad Politics | RealClearPolitics

2016-01-08T20:04:06+00:00January 8th, 2016|Gun Control|

Where Tyranny Thrives: History Shows Obama’s Push To Limit Gun Rights Is First Step To Genocide And Oppression 

that President Obama is working to adopt executive orders that will unilaterally restrict gun rights. Only a month ago, the New York Times openly advocated gun confiscation on page one.

The Times urged outlawing civilian ownership of “certain kinds of weapons” and acknowledged, “yes, it would require Americans who own those kinds of weapons to give them up for the good of their fellow citizens.”

Americans should consider where this leads. Seventy million mothers, fathers, sons and daughters died in genocides during the twentieth century. These citizens’ governments murdered them after first promulgating so-called gun control regulations that preemptively limited their citizens’ right to self-defense.

Source: Where Tyranny Thrives: History Shows Obama’s Push To Limit Gun Rights Is First Step To Genocide And Oppression | The Daily Caller

2016-01-08T13:25:59+00:00January 8th, 2016|Gun Control|